Wat Koh Hong
142 view · 21 Feb 2024 #Thailand#Nakhon Sawan#Mueang Nakhon Sawan#Attraction
This 200-year-old ancient temple located in the middle of the Mon community that has been around since 1793 is full of many interesting things. From the temple built according to the art of the late Ayutthaya period to the early Rattanakosin. The interior is beautiful with several murals depicting, Thep Chumum, drawn in succession in the style of Ayutthaya period paintings. There is also a replica of the Buddha's footprint which appears on the wall. Thai painting on Khoi book in Mon language with illustrations and the beautiful lacquer gilding. On a visit to the north of King Chulalongkorn, he once came to visit Ban Koh Temple or Koh Hong Temple. HRH Chulalongkorn went to see the Sangkachai statue standing inside the chapel with his hands on his stomach. He was very pleased and therefore invited this Sangkachai statue to go with him, and bestowed a money around 80 baht to build a new one instead which is the one seen today. In addition, Koh Hong Temple is also famous for using ancient style treatment treating diseases which is called "Yeab Cha". The treatment starts from the healer dips his feet in herbs and steps them on a hot iron plate. As he stepped on the iron, a flame would erupt over his feet with a “sizzling” sound, then he used his foot that step on the hot iron plate to stepped on the pain area of ​​the patient. It is considered a miracle of ancient Thai wisdom which has been inherited for more than a hundred years ever.

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